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946 items matching your search terms
Presentation - Implementing Renewable Energy Zones for Integrated Transmission and Generation Planning
Presentation corresponding to the webinar of the same name.
Advancing the Use of Wind and Solar Forecasting to Facilitate the Integration of Variable Renewable Energy to the Grid (Asia)
Greening the Grid: Implementing Renewable Energy Zones for Integrated Transmission and Generation Planning
Greening the Grid, in partnership with the Clean Energy Solutions Center, is hosting a no-cost, webinar-based training on Implementing Renewable Energy Zones ...
Transcript - Best Practices in Conducting Grid Integration Studies
Audio transcript of the webinar of the same name.
Forecast Exercise
This exercise will be used in the forecasting workshop hosted in Bangkok in February, 2016.
Greening the Grid Webinar: Implementing Wind and Solar Power Forecasting
Greening the Grid, in partnership with the Clean Energy Solutions Center, is hosting a no-cost, webinar on Implementing Wind and Solar Power Forecasting.
Scaling up Clean Energy: Early Actions to Facilitate Integration of Variable Renewable Energy into Existing Power Systems
This Deep Dive workshop will be held as part of the the 2016 Asia Clean Energy Forum in Manila, Philippines.
Presentation - Best Practices in Conducting Grid Integration Studies
Presentation accompanying the webinar of the same name
USAID Training Action Plan
Action plan template used for USAID training
ACEF 2016 - Grid Integration Deep Dive Workshop Brochure
One page brochure for the "Scaling Up Clean Energy: Early Actions to Facilitate Integration of Variable Renewable Energy into Existing Power Systems" Deep Dive ...
Transcript - Implementing Renewable Energy Zones for Integrated Transmission and Generation Planning
Audio transcript associated with the webinar of the same name.
Transcript - An Introduction to Wind and Solar Forecasting
Transcript of forecasting webinar
Presentation - An Introduction to Wind and Solar Power Forecasting
PDF presentation for forecasting webinar
Webinar: Distributed Solar on the Grid: Key Opportunities and Challenges
The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with USAID and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), is hosting a no-cost webinar titled ...
REZ training at the Asia LEDS Partnership Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Viet Nam
GreeningTheGrid will deliver a training on Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) at the Asia LEDS Partnership Regional Workshop in Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Transcript: Distributed Solar on the Grid Webinar
Transcript of the webinar presentation, "Distributed Solar on the Grid: Key Opportunities and Challenges," presented November 17, 2016.
Webinar: Big, Fast and Flexible: Grid Operations for Efficient Variable Renewable Integration
Slideshow - Integrating Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions
Slideshow presentation of a webinar offered by the Clean Energy Solutions Center on 29 July 2015
Presentation: Distributed Solar on the Grid
Presentation material from the webinar titled "Distributed Solar on the Grid: Key Opportunities and Challenges," presented November 17, 2016.
Presentation: Big, Fast, and Flexible
Presentation material from the webinar titled "Big, Fast and Flexible: Grid Operations for Efficient Variable Renewable Integration," presented October 11, ...
Webinar on Utility-Scale Storage: If, When, What Type, How Much, and Where?
Workshop on Grid Integration of Variable Renewable Energy: Innovative Solutions at the Transmission and Distribution Levels
An exciting opportunity for participants to the Asia Clean Energy Forum to gain knowledge and tools to enable a clean, modern, flexible, and affordable power ...
Building Blocks for Distributed PV Deployment, Part 1: Goals, Definitions and Compensation
Technical Potential Tutorial Series
This three-part tutorial series introduces technical potential analysis, describes how technical potential is assessed, and familiarizes viewers with the ...
Building Blocks for Distributed PV Deployment, Part 2: Interconnection and Public Policy
Integrating Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions
This webinar reviews the challenges to integrating significant quantities of variable renewable energy to the grid as well as the emerging solutions that ...
Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE): An Overview
This training video introduces levelized cost of energy (LCOE) and why it is important for data-driven decision making in energy planning. The training ...
Transcript - Integrating Variable Renewable Energy to the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions
Transcript to the Webinar: Integrating Variable Renewable Energy to the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions
Integrating Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions
This webinar reviews the challenges to integrating significant quantities of variable renewable energy to the grid as well as the emerging solutions that ...
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