General Rules for Tagging

This provides general rules for tagging content. Tagging correctly lets items appear in the correct place in the portal, makes items searchable, and gives users access to related items. Also included are rules for tagging vernacular.

Integrating Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions was used as an example in this tutorial.

Rules for Tagging

  1. Tag the content based on what it is. In the example, the tags Training, Webinar, and Video describe what it is.
  2. Tag the content based on where it is. In the example, the tags Grid Integration, Webinar, and Training describe where it is.
  3. Tag the content based on how it is distributed. In the example, the Training and Webinar tags tell the item that it will be displayed in the Trainings>Webinars collection on the Greening the Grid Parent site.
  4. Tag the content based on how it is related to other content. In the example, the Power System Flexibility, Solar, and Wind tags describe its relationship to other items.

About Tagging Venacular

  1. Use acronyms, but also spell them out. This will help users find your items by search. Add the acronym and spelled out version as two separate tags. I.E. If you are adding a Greening the Grid tag, add GTG as one tag and Greening the Grid as a separate tag.
  2. Avoid the and, or, operators. It will help users who only search for one of the terms in your string. I.E. This tag "Energy Policy and Target Settings" should be broken up into two tags ("Energy Policy", "Target Settings"), and added separately.
  3. Avoid an special characters such as "&".

If you are unsure of which tags to use, use your spreadsheet as a guideline.

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